The History Hound Club
1 hour Weekly History Lessons

Click to watch our video below for more information.
- Lessons written and presented by your friends Nathan & Hazel.
- A NEW 1 hour lesson EVERY WEEK - Plus association afterwards.
- Classes for Kids, Adults and Families.
- Presented via Zoom Conferencing.
- Download the recording if you miss a lesson.
- A Certificate of Completion Awarded Every Year.
We have moved around class spaces which means we are now able to accomodate more students! If you would like more information or join the class please enter your details below or email: and we will get back to you with advice and a plan that will work for you. 😀

Nathan and Hazel
Nathan and Hazel are both regular pioneers and have been baptised for many years. Together, they have over 30 years of pioneer service.
Fully Interactive
Nathan and Hazel will present fully interactive lessons, with plenty of opportunities to comment or ask questions.
Limited Space
We aim to have a maximum of about 30 students per class, so there are limited spaces. If all the spaces are gone we can put you on a waiting list for the next available space.
Unique Codes & Safe Environment
In your class will be enrolled students only. No one we havn't interviewed will be allowed to join, so feel safe that all students are vetted and from JW families.
£5.20 GBP per week
How much is that?
- GBP5.20 £
Roughly it’s about $6.50USD, $9.90AUD, 6.10Euros.
Still not convinced? Watch a FREE LESSON on EGYPT and the 10 Plagues BY CLICKING HERE.
Or if you would like to get to know Nathan and Hazel…
please go on one of the Free Bible Tours that we offer. That way you will see the kind of teaching we do before you enroll.
Please click to view the terms and conditions BEFORE enrolling.